The best heaters to keep your fish warm this winter
A heater is one of the ‘life support systems’ that keeps tropical fish happy and healthy. With this in mind, make sure that you choose the right heater or heaters for your fish.
A heater is one of the ‘life support systems’ that keeps tropical fish happy and healthy. With this in mind, make sure that you choose the right heater or heaters for your fish.
Feeding Seaweed Supplements – how important could it possibly be? Fair question and really the only way to answer this is that it depends on what fish you’re keeping. For many of the marine fish you see readily available in your local aquatic store, seaweed is an important aspect to their diet. Read more of Nathan’s experience of how important seaweed is here.
Daphnia earned their common name of water fleas because of the jerky way that they swim. However, they are not really fleas! Find out more about this nutritious fish treat here.
Fish thrive with live food
Dried food gives fish what they need to survive but feeding them live food will ensure they thrive. Live food provides nutrients in their natural form helping to keep fish well-conditioned, active and healthy. Learn more about live brine shrimp here.