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Tetra Wafer Mix


Tetra Wafer Mix are a premium sinking food for all tropical freshwater algae grazers and bottom feeders.

These pellets are smaller than the Pleco Spirulina Wafers and ideal for younger plecos, any type of tropical catfish and for tropical freshwater shrimps and crabs.

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Tetra Wafer Mix are a premium sinking food for all tropical freshwater bottom feeders and algae grazers. These pellets are smaller than the Pleco Spirulina Wafers and ideal for younger plecos, any type of tropical catfish an for tropical shrimps and crabs.

Not just for bottom feeders!

Many fish will appreciate wafers in their diet. Omnivorous or herbivorous, this food makes part of a fishes balanced diet. We have seen guppies, platies and many other community tropical fish enjoy this food. Freshwater shrimp like to graze on these wafers too.

For use with a snail trap

These wafers can be placed in the middle of a JBL LimCollect snail trap. This is a chemical-free and harmless solution to effectively catch pest snails in a freshwater aquariums.

Why we like Tetra Wafer Mix:

  • Tetra have been around for many years and they focus on optimal nutrition for all of their fish foods
  • Tetra Wafer Mix are well designed for bottom feeding fish and crustaceans
  • They contain spirulina to support fish immune system
  • These wafers are rich in essential fibres to support healthy digestion
  • Due to the solid consistency the wafers do not cloud the water
  • Other fish like these wafers too as part of a balanced diet

A few words from Tetra

Tetra Wafer Mix offers varied and optimal nutrition for bottom-feeding fish and crustaceans.

The wafers contain shrimps, whose proteins provide essential amino acids that are easily metabolized for healthy growth.

Added Spirulina algae support the fish’s immune system.

Tetra wafers sink to the bottom, making them particularly ideal for medium-sized bottom-dwelling fish like Bristlenose catfish, armour plated catfish and clown loaches.

Less waste

Thanks to the wafers solid consistency, the wafers do not cloud the water. They soften quickly, ensuring optimum food intake. Because they don’t dissolve too quickly this means that there will be less waste in the aquarium water.

Top fish feeding tips:

  • Always seal the packet after feeding
  • Never put wet fingers into fish food sachets
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets
  • Test your aquarium water regularly to make sure that you are not overfeeding the fish
  • Feed more if the fish look skinny!
  • Algae eating fish often prefer feeding in the late evening when the lights are a little dimmer or even off altogether
  • Give your fish a variety of foods, dry, frozen and live to keep them happy and healthy

Additional information


42g, 85g, 150g