How can we help you?
You can contact Cornwall Aquatics & Aquarium Services in a few ways, get in touch by email or message us on Instagram or Facebook Messenger.
Our shop is open weekdays between the hours of 10am to 6pm by appointment only. Please arrange a visit time with us as we wouldn’t want you to have a wasted journey.
If you live in Cornwall we can deliver products to your door! The delivery and service team also work on weekdays between the hours of 10am to 6pm. Out of hours appointments can be made if required.
If you need help with your aquarium, want to rent a new aquarium with our aquarium rental packages or would like a free estimate for any other aquarium service please contact Cornwall Aquarium Services with the below form. If your query is more urgent or you’re in a rush send us an email now.
Quick contact:
Quick contact form:
Free estimate form for aquarium services:
We aim to get back to you as soon as possible which is usually within 1 working day.

Weekdays 9am – 6pm
Weekends closed
Upon request we can arrange out of hours delivery, in store appointments or services.
We spend a lot of time with our hands in fish tanks and are not always able to get to the phone. The quickest way to get in contact is by email. However, you can phone or leave a message for us on 07908240389.
In order to make accurate estimates, it really helps us to have certain information. A post code helps us to work out travel costs. The size of aquarium helps us to work out how much time a job would take. The type of fish kept will determine what test kits we use and what other equipment we should bring to best care for your aquarium. Please let us know of anything that you think we may need to know so that we can give you the best service possible.
Please have a look in our online store to see what we currently have available. We are still building up stock and have many more items in our physical store. If there’s something that you need but can’t see online, please ask is if we can help.